Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tomorrows leader term paper free essay sample

How to become an effective leader? Perhaps you may have to possess at least one of the attributes. In this paper, interpersonal communication would be discussed and elaborated. Interpersonal communication has a great deal of definitions. It is defined as an interactive face-to-face process between two people, in which one’s personal characteristics, relationship with another and social status can be reflected (Hartley, 1993). However, on the other hand, some experts express interpersonal communication as a process, which gives everyone an equal opportunity to influence one another, under the situation that everyone endeavors to sway the others (Emmert, 1984). From the above two definitions, we know that interpersonal communication requires the existence of two or more people in the same space while the social roles is not important in the process yet it can be delivered to others via the conversation. Besides that, the relationship between the deliverer and the receiver can be reflected through the way of expressing idea or even enhanced by dialogue. We will write a custom essay sample on Tomorrows leader term paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How is the concept of social roles permeated through the speech? For instance, when followers are speaking to their bosses, they will speak politely; they will mind their wording; and they will address him deferentially. From another aspect, when bosses are giving an order or admonishing subordinates, they will also speak in a courteous manner too to show their respect towards the subordinates whereas their intonation would be sometimes agitated. By listening to the intonation throughout the communication, the social roles of the recipient and the deliverer can be figured out. There are also a massive number of theories regarding interpersonal communication and they are divided into three areas: individually centered theories, interaction centered theories and relationship centered theories (Bylund, Peterson and Cameron, 2012). They are Goals-Plans-Action Theory, Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Uncertainty Management Theory, Action Assembly Theory, Communication Accommodation Theory, Facework and Politeness Theory, Speech Codes Theory, Social Penetration Theory and Communication Privacy Management Theory. For the Social Penetration Theory, it teaches us how to make friends in the first meeting and even make a relationship evolve. When we first meet a stranger, whom we may like to make friends with, we will communicate and exchange information through bilateral appearance such as height, dressing style. Even more, when we begin to talk with the strangers, we would like to ask them something like their hobbies, favorites amongst others. Indeed, in the orientation stage, we will begin speaking with cliche and continue the topic with some questions that aim to understand the target more, not too shallow but not too deep either. If a person intends to talk something about one’s privacy, the receiving party may marvel the deliverer and thus the stages stated in the Social Penetration Theory cannot be demonstrated. This theory implies that the four stages expressed must happen one by one and no one should intend to interrupt the original developing pace of a relationship. Besides that, Social Penetration Theory consists of breadth (quantity of theme conferred) and depth (how private is the information delivered). In fact, it is unnecessary for elements, breadth and depth, to appear in the conversations at the same time. It depends on the relationship between the speech giver and the listener. For friends, it is fine only the breadth exists, on the other hand, for couples and married couples, it is ordinary that only depth exists. Among couples, the quality of the conversation is far more significant than the quantity as the purpose of communication between couples is to get acquainted with each other and increase the understanding of others on the habits, fears and other private information. The depth and the breadth of the topics discussed among people can show the relationship between one another and even the social roles of both recipients and message sender. It is because when one with a higher social role is communicating with one of a lower social role, their discussion topic would be widely spread but not in deep discussion. Furthermore, a boss will never tell the subordinates something that is private. How is the interpersonal communication related to leadership? To begin with, we must know how a leadership is established. Undeniably, a leadership must exist in an area with two or more people so that the leader can join forces. Yet, the leader should have a good communication skill in order to influence how the disciples think. To conclude, a good leader must have a good interpersonal communication skill. A successful leader will always deliver messages and listen to the followers for their need so that both parties are influencing each other. Through interpersonal communication, the boss can build up prestige through giving speech while the workers can strike for better working condition and return by bargaining with their boss. Besides that, through listening to the needs of the followers, the boss can show his respect to the subordinates and thus the followers would also show respect to the leaders. Part B: I was diagnosed as an Asperger Syndrome child when I was in the age of 6. Generally, a child with Asperger Syndrome will have a bit similar to autism; they will be by no means good at communicating with others and have a poor interpersonal relationship with others in the society. When I was in the primary school, I did not get a lot of or even no friends at all because I was not good at communicating with others. I remembered that when someone asked me some academic knowledge, I always shouted at my classmates and laughed at them for the reason that they were silly. As a result, they began to leave me alone and I did not make any friends in my primary school life. It is not only happened in my school life, it happened in my family life too. When I was answering my dad’s or mum’s questions, I used to answer them with an impolite tone that seem to be thinking that my dad and mum is annoying, which always made them feel angry. As mentioned in some articles, facial expression is a kind of non-verbal communication, in which I am especially weak at. I was not good at observing their facial expression and I continued to be happy and giggling, which further make them wrathful. Since I was not good at speculating their faces, I always create a nervous atmosphere in the daily life. Later on, my mum had consulted the doctor and began to teach me different types of communication skills. Firstly, my mum taught me to observe people’s facial expression via giving me different kinds of dramas and through some practices. As time passes, I start to know when to stop my smiling face and ridiculing speech so as to stop further conflicts between me and my father. Secondly, since I have mentioned I treat my classmates rudely, I had no friends in my primary school. To rectify this issue, my mum had decided to let me learn taking care of others’ feelings in the conversation as communication is irreversible that we cannot delete the expressed thoughts and feelings. After several years, when I grew up into a high school boy, I have learnt that we have to always think twice before we decide to speak up. Now, I am always aware of my own words; I always remind myself not to hurt the others. Therefore, nowadays when I am talking to my classmates, especially girls, I would be careful not to use disrespectful words and not to say something that will let someone down or make them sad. Thirdly, I am also bad at organizing my communication’s message so my friends and parents can hardly follow my thoughts and speech. Therefore, I begin to speak more and write more, trying to introduce my purpose of giving a speech in the first to second sentences of the whole conversation. In the past, my classmates always told me that they did not understand what I was talking whereas in the present time, my classmates still somehow ask me when they do not follow what I am speaking. Yet the number of times that they have asked me such a question has been reduced. It means my classmates find it easier to follow me since I have improved my organization and I have first planned how to say before I voice. To add up, I have lots of friends now and we usually keep in touch with one another by holding a gathering dinner. When we are discussing with one another in the Whatsapp group about places for dinner, I have suggested a restaurant that I would like to go whereas other friends have listed out other restaurants. In order to make them change the venue of the reunion dinner, I have used refined way of speaking to persuade my friends patiently. Eventually, they have accepted my request and went to the restaurant that I suggested. To a large extent, I think I have possessed the attribute, interpersonal communication. It is because I learn to take care of others’ feelings, looking at others’ facial expressions to see whether they are angry, sad or happy, followed by speaking suitable sentences. Besides that, I have learnt to respect others and use polite and dignified language instead of the rude one. Furthermore, I have learnt to recognize my purpose of speech before I voice and I can show that I am influencing the others through communication.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Analyze a Free Falling Body Problem

How to Analyze a Free Falling Body Problem One of the most common sorts of problems that a beginning physics student will encounter is to analyze the motion of a free-falling body. Its helpful to look at the various ways these sorts of problems can be approached. The following problem was presented on our long-gone Physics Forum by a person with the somewhat unsettling pseudonym c4iscool: A 10kg block being held at rest above the ground is released. The block begins to fall under only the effect of gravity. At the instant that the block is 2.0 meters above the ground, the speed of the block is 2.5 meters per second. At what height was the block released? Begin by defining your variables: y0 - initial height, unknown (what were trying to solve for) v0 0 (initial velocity is 0, since we know it begins at rest) y 2.0 m/s v 2.5 m/s (velocity at 2.0 meters above ground) m 10 kg g 9.8 m/s2 (acceleration due to gravity) Looking at the variables, we see a couple of things that we could do. We can use conservation of energy or we could apply one-dimensional kinematics. Method One: Conservation of Energy This motion exhibits conservation of energy, so you can approach the problem that way. To do this, well have to be familiar with three other variables: U mgy (gravitational potential energy) K 0.5mv2 (kinetic energy) E K U (total classical energy) We can then apply this information to get the total energy when the block is released and the total energy at the 2.0 meter above-the-ground point. Since the initial velocity is 0, there is no kinetic energy there, as the equation shows E 0 K 0 U 0 0 mgy 0 mgy 0E K U 0.5mv2 mgyby setting them equal to each other, we get:mgy0 0.5mv2 mgyand by isolating y0 (i.e. dividing everything by mg) we get:y0 0.5v2 / g y Notice that the equation we get for y0 doesnt include mass at all. It doesnt matter if the block of wood weighs 10 kg or 1,000,000 kg, we will get the same answer to this problem. Now we take the last equation and just plug our values in for the variables to get the solution: y0 0.5 * (2.5 m/s)2 / (9.8 m/s2) 2.0 m 2.3 m This is an approximate solution, since we are only using two significant figures in this problem. Method Two: One-Dimensional Kinematics Looking over the variables we know and the kinematics equation for a one-dimensional situation, one thing to notice is that we have no knowledge of the time involved in the drop. So we have to have an equation without time. Fortunately, we have one (although Ill replace the x with y since were dealing with vertical motion and a with g since our acceleration is gravity): v 2 v 0 2 2 g( x - x 0) First, we know that v0 0. Second, we have to keep in mind our coordinate system (unlike the energy example). In this case, up is positive, so g is in the negative direction. v2 2g(y - y0)v2 / 2g y - y0y0 -0.5 v2 / g y Notice that this is exactly the same equation that we ended up with in the conservation of energy method. It looks different because one term is negative, but since g is now negative, those negatives will cancel and yield the exact same answer: 2.3 m. Bonus Method: Deductive Reasoning This wont give you the solution, but it will allow you to get a rough estimate of what to expect. More importantly, it allows you to answer the fundamental question that you should ask yourself when you get done with a physics problem: Does my solution make sense? The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. This means that after falling for 1 second, an object will be moving at 9.8 m/s. In the above problem, the object is moving at only 2.5 m/s after having been dropped from rest. Therefore, when it reaches 2.0 m in height, we know that it hasnt fallen very fall at all. Our solution for the drop height, 2.3 m, shows exactly this - it had fallen only 0.3 m. The calculated solution does make sense in this case. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Does measuring leadership help productivity of the Coursework

Leadership Does measuring leadership help productivity of the Organisation - Coursework Example A number of examples of organisations have been provided in this context. The subject of leadership has gained tremendous interest in the sine the past few decades. Leadership is considered to of critical interest for adding value to the organisation. It is important to measure the effectiveness of leadership and its influence in driving the performance of employees and the organisations. A leader has a much bigger and important role to play than just being a person who is the biggest or the most powerful. The term leader has been interpreted as a person who sets the direction with an effort to influence individuals to follow the direction. However, the term leader needs to distinguished form that of a manager. It is different from planning, coordinating and organising and is more concerned with the power to influence people and guiding them through the direction of attaining organisation goals and objectives (McNamara, n.d.). It is important to assess the quality of leadership devel opment programs to identify the possible actions which can be taken towards improving the quality of the programs. It is also important to assess the short term as well the long term impacts of these programs to find out the extent to which the organisations provide support or behave as barriers for transferring the leanings to performance (Martineau, 2006, p.1). However, the assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of leadership should not be restricted to just the management programs. Overall, the objective should be to capture the essence of the term leadership and what it is all about. It requires to be evaluated if the leadership is able to bring about the changes as per the objectives. Leadership should be measured at various levels of the organisation and at all positions. This project aims at bringing out the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of leadership at various levels of the organisation. Literature Review The importance of measuring the effectiveness of lea dership can be viewed from different perspectives. It has an impact on the performance measures, on the followers, and finally at the bottom line of the organisation. In order to make leadership effective, the leader must have all the critical data at the point of his fingertips which would allow him to have the best understanding of whatever is going on in the organisation. The evaluation of leadership involves identifying whether leadership is being effective in finding the solution to a problem through collective efforts or by combining the efforts of the people to promote survival and success. The leaders’ performance may be evaluated on the ground that it can influence the people towards contributing towards the betterment and good of the group. It can also be measured by understanding how the organisations objectives are attained and achieved through the combined efforts of the group members. However, it must be noted goals vary between organisations. The goal of Genera l Motors is different from that of Microsoft, Wal-Mart or other organisations. However, all of them work towards the common goal of attaining the maximum output and profits. Organisations remain competitive towards each other for attaining the scarce resources and having the maximum return on their assets (Kaiser, Hogan & Craig, 2008, p.1). Some traditions follow the measurement of leadership through evaluation of